Modern Music Production
Production Course
Our video production course is designed specifically for those who have produced music previously, or have had signings, but are now looking to perfect their techniques.
You will work though a structured video course with worksheets covering subject such as fundamental production techniques, sound design, building grooves, or mixing.
Apply nowLearn from an Award Winning and Experienced Professional
Learn from the original educator of modern music production techniques, Rick Snoman. Many courses are based on his knowledge that he has shared via his video courses and books. Learn from the master himself instead of learning it secondhand. Rick has many years experience producing tracks signed by top labels and that have won awards. Let him show you the techniques he has used successfully.
The videos in this course are supported with worksheets that will help you practice the techniques on your music.
The techniques taught in this genre can be applied to most genres of music. We know they work on different genres because they are techniques we employ daily to tracks that are professionally signed by labels.
Follow the techniques to help you produce not only improved sounding music but also use them to help improve your workflow.
Production Course
What to expect

Follow Rick via video sessions as he demonstrates the techniques to write a professional track.

Use the course worksheets to help you practice the techniques demonstrated by Rick in the videos.

The course is designed to enable you to implement the techniques to any genre of music. .

Receive a copy of the award winning music production book to support your learning.
How the course works
8 Modules
The course is structured over 8 key modules. This provides you with a structured learning plan that can be applied to your music creativity.
The Work Schedule
The videos are released twice a month to enable you time to work through the techniques.
Course Length
The 8 modules take place over 10 months.
Course Worksheets
You’ll have worksheets to help you reflect and practice the techniques as you work through the modules.
Self Study
Throughout the course you will be able to practice the techniques on your tracks to help you develop as a producer.
The Reference Text
You’ll receive a free paperback copy of the award winning Dance Music Manual textbook through the post. (Only applies to UK, EU and USA)
Production Course
Course Modules
The course has 8 key modules that are taught over a period of 10 months.
Module 1 – Foundation Skills
Learn how to listen like a producer.
Module 2 – Kicks
The Kick is the foundation of your track. Learn how to write your own so that you have a professional sound.
Module 3 – Bass
Learn how to make bass and build a groove. Learn about sound design.
Module 4 – Music Theory
With the use of music theory learn how to make chords and lyrics work for modern music production.
Module 5 – Leads
Leads and processing
Module 6 – Arrangement
Module 7 – Finalising Effects
Finalising Effects
Module 8 – Mixing and Mastering
IMixing and Mastering overview.
- 10 video modules
- 2 units released each month
- Worksheets
- A
- T
- Free Copy of the Dance Music Manual (UK, USA & EU only)